Selection for IOAA is through Malaysia Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics.

Selection Process
A first-round selection is conducted online nationwide. 30 top contestants are selected to join an extensive training camp to attend lectures and the final selection. The top 5 contestants will be selected to the IOAA.
- MOAA Online Selection Round (2022: March - April)
- MOAA Camp & Final Round (2022: June, tentatively)
- Training camps
- IOAA (2022: September, tentatively)
International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA) is an annual event for highly performed high school students from all around the world. Established in Thailand 2006, it was initiated by five countries including Thailand, Indonesia, Iran, China and Poland with the aim to proliferate Astronomy among high school students, to foster friendship among young astronomers at international level so as to build cooperation in the field of Astronomy in the future among the young scholars.
IOAA is one of the most recognised ISO. In 2019, 47 countries have participated. The fully meritocratic national selection is organised by Starfinder Society, open to anyone eligibile.
There are 3 rounds.
- Theoretical round
- Observational round (night sky and/or planetarium)
- Data Analysis round
There is an additional team competition which results doesn’t affect individual results.
Students participating in IOAA must satisfy BOTH of the following eligibility conditions:
- They should not complete 20 years of age before 1st July in the year of the competition.
- They should not complete their high school education (i.e. grade 12/STPM/A Levels) before 1st January in the year of the competition. There is no minimum age / grade restriction for participation in IOAA.
Learning Materials
Malaysian IAO Training Program
IAO Malaysian Team Training Resources
If you are an IOAA alumnus, you can help us complete this page by registering first. Thank you.
What is IOAA? Talk by Mr. Fong Keng Yin
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